Smokescreen minuet
Dance with me like these drops? Pour drip drop
Don't stop till the clouds stop rumbling
Pitter-patter, against the windshield
Conjoined twins, long lost lovers
Arm in arm we race towards the perfect beginning
Negotiating our paths
Walking on uncharted territories
Through puddles and sleet
Through the feet of the labourer
Onto the platform skies
Above the parapet of lies
Walk with me
Drop on the umbrellas
Sing into their eyes
Smile the silliness away, sit on empty benches,
Breeze with me
Join hands on the silly notes
Stick with me, only to lose sight soon
You become a sneeze, a sigh, a cough, a splinter and sometimes we make a splash
We are here today
You and I
Life, a litter of the pretty mundane
Let's frame mosaics of the misty nows