new year, cheer
Lets continue not thinking.
Let’s continue talking about "important" things and snoring away into the new days and nights into it
Let’s carry on in the defense of capitalism
Let’s say “I came from nothing” and harp on the romance that arises from it
Let’s reduce eons of literature and poetry into nothing
Let’s continue being educated illiterates
Let’s please oh please continue not making, not exercising the ability to think
Let’s harness social media and money and joke and hone our mulled wine making skills
The nation? Hah, who wants to even know about what are nation building skills
Let’s sleep like bozos and the boboz outside our south Delhi duplexes
Let’s while our times away
Let’s get a new iPhone and a fancier, more forgiving and detached job
Let’s forget about Afrazul and about February 2016
Oh come on,
Let’s make merry
Jignesh won, don’t you see a silver lining
Well this note is to me, well fuck you and well, 2019 is here and Modi's gonna win mofoz
So you can enjoy your terrace parties and your afternoon walks and the somber smokes in the shielding sun
But what will you do when someone asks you for directions into the park near your house and in your effort to guide them you’ll be set ablaze for your ignorance, or were you ignorant ever at all